For sale 4 or 6 space rack

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That's about the whole of it. I'm looking for a used or discounted new 4, 5, or 6 space rack deep enough to house my 800RB. Please pm or email [email protected] if interested.


I have an SKB 6 space that has never seen a gig, just a few rehearsals. I was thinking about selling it to buy a four, as I doubt I will ever be able to afford that power amp I want.... Anyway, let me know if your interested.

Oh yeah, PM sent also ;)
I've got a four space carpeted rack that is more than deep enough for your amp. I was thinking maybe $35 plus shipping. Drop me a line if you're at all interested.

Still haven't found one that fits my needs. The 800rb is ony about 11 inches deep, so 13-14 is plenty even with wires.

I'm still taking offers on any 4 or 6 space racks.
I have a brand new Hybrid shock mounted 4 space rack that is 18" deep w/o lids, which are 2 1/2" deep, making a total of 22 1/2" it's black and has never had anything mounted in it. Email if interested. [email protected]
I have a 6 space skb standard rack that I'm selling for 75. Its in excellent condition like all my rack gear. I'm selling it becase I'm downsizing my rig. Thanks

Dont know if it's too late but I have a 4 space Calzone effects rack that would fit your needs. It's in good shape. $45.00 will do it. PM me.

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The Clap
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