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For sale Ampeg SVT-CL, SWR-550x, Aguilar GS112 w/rackspace, SWR Goliath III



I have a few pieces forsale today they are as follows: Ampeg SVT Classic, Aguilar GS 112 with rack space, SWR 550x w/footswitch, and an SWR Goliath III 4x10 bass cab. I will reduce the prices for any combos purchased.

Ampeg SVT Classic 300w Bass tube Amp. 8.5/10.0 Missing the cosmetic cap to the -15db input but input still works just as it should. Other than that a few scratches but this beast was recently retubed within the past year.
SWR 550x 550watts into 4 ohms 350watts into 8 ohms. Comes with subwave octave footswtich. Can easily power an 8x10.
SWR Goliath III 4x10 bass cab. In great condition and is very loud when pumped. 8ohms 700watts
Aguilar GS112 w/2unit rackspace. If you have a 2 unit rackmount head this is the perfect combo to throw it into. Cab already has a 1/4 coming out from inside to make it a all in one combo unit.

Photo Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/exuyuh85sbj9w6k/HysIw6bp1t

P.S. Shipping not included.

[email protected] Thanks everyone and have a great day.


Weight of the Aggie unpacked is going to be 52lbs probably closer to 60-65 with packaging i'd imagine. I have had an unfortunate experience in the past shipping cabs so I am kind of partial to having the cab packaged professionally to avoid and shipping mishaps. I can grab shipping quotes if needed just pm/email me. Thanks everyone, ciao.

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