Electric and Upright Bass Educational Material For Sale.
Plus lots of other miscellaneous bass and theory items.
This bass instructor is RETIRING.
I have cleaned out my closets and studios and am going to part will all of these items.
I calculated \"fair market\" USED values for all these items to be well worth over $1500. And that is \"used\"
pricing, not \"new\". Some of these items below are very rare and now impossible to get.
E-mail me for list.
Plus lots of other miscellaneous bass and theory items.
This bass instructor is RETIRING.
I have cleaned out my closets and studios and am going to part will all of these items.
I calculated \"fair market\" USED values for all these items to be well worth over $1500. And that is \"used\"
pricing, not \"new\". Some of these items below are very rare and now impossible to get.
E-mail me for list.