
For sale F/S 2010 Fender American Standard Jazz Bass Pickups



I have a set of 2010 Fender American Standard Jazz Bass pups that i just took out and replaced with sadowsky's. These are basiclly new and prolly have a total of 3 hours of playing time on them, if that. Leads were not cut. Still at full length. I'd like to get $65shipped. would trade for a mm style pup or a nice internal pre for a sterling.
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I have a 2007 MIM fretless Jazz. This bass has Dimarzio DP 123 Model J pups. I would like to get a set of standard Jazz pups. Interested in a trade? Otherwise I would like to sell mine and then buy yours. I need to find out if yours will fit in my bass.

My bass is new to me and sustained damage en route, and will eventually (hopefully soon depending on how long UPS takes to rule on our claim) be at my luthier's for the repair, so I would like to have all the work done at the same time.

So let me know by PM. I'll subscribe to your thread meanwhile. Thanks!
No probs mate. Would be happy to pay the extra shipping if that's what you are worried about.

Anyway, all the best with the sale...

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