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For sale FS: Boss HM-2



Up for sale is a Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal pedal.

This pedal has bass/treble controls, and is a great distortion pedal to use on bass. Sound crisp and clear, but has bite. Cheap and easy to use, standard Boss size and power.

Looking for $50 shipped obo.


I knew this would happen...
I couldn't wait for one to pop up here on TB so I got one on evilbay on Friday and paid more. Crap!
Good luck. I can't wait to try mine out.
Yea, these pedals are awesome, but not really needed by me. I made a decision to stop hoarding pedals that I do not use, at all, so I am relieving this from duty, along with a few others. All are under $50 each, and in good shape.

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