For sale FS: EMG 40DC pickups, EMG 40J pickups, 2 band EMG preamp



I have 2 sets of EMG 5 string pickups: one set are 40 DC's from my 1995 Modulus Q5. The first owner of the bass barely played it (I think he was a drummer) and I have only had the bass for about a year. These have very little wear on the corners and negligible wear on the tops. This set comes with the pickup leads, screws and springs. Asking $150 OBO. Sold.

Next is a set of EMG 40J's just like the ones in older Sadowsky Metro's. I don;t know the history of these, but the tops show very little wear, but the corners show more appreciable wear. Asking $85 shipped.

Next is a 2-band EMG preamp (BTS, I believe.) that was stock in my '95 Modulus Q5. It is currently set up 9v, but can be easily altered to 18v for more headroom. Asking $50 OBO. Sold.

I'm looking for other pickups if this size that will mate well with a Pope prepamp. Only trades for DC40 size pickups will be considered. Would love a set of Barts for the Modulus, but will consider others.

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