
For sale FS Only: 1972 original Fender Tele Bass OHSC



For sale only is an all original 72 telecaster bass. I got this from a friend and it is just not my thing. It sounds cool but I cannot use it for any projects I have right now and would love to just have the money. It has the original tugbar and bridge cover. Also has no large dings or dent in it. The owner before me was not very smart and tried to use like brasso or something on the tuners to clean them so there is a little bit of residue left on them but nothing big. It is just some green stuff that needs to be cleaned off not a big job I just don't have time to do it. Also I had the frets dressed and it cleaned. Also has a new set of Rotoswings on it. The bass plays great and comes with the OHSC. If you have any questions just pm me. I will let her go for $2250+shipping. I will ship fed-ex with insurance and boxed extremely well. Also only payment that I will take is a postal money order. If you need to know anything else just ask...just food for though this is actually a custom color...in 72 black was a custom color...the natural color and a burst where the only stock colors for this bass...thanks for looking, I put one large pic all the links to the rest are at the bottom. EDIT NEW PRICE 2100 SHIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!


http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/DSC_0078.jpg

http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/DSC_0079.jpg

http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/DSC_0080.jpg

http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/DSC_0081.jpg

http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/DSC_0082.jpg

http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/DSC_0084.jpg

http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz340/spankyc52/Tele Bass/IMG00139.jpg


Awesome bass, and very very high on my GAS list. Wish I could afford to take her off your hands.
As far as sound it is dark....it has a growl to it that is pretty cool if you like a p bass then you will love this....I have been tempted to put a set of flats on it to see what it sounded like......and it probably weighs between 7-9lbs I don't have a scale but it is really average.
So I haven't bumped this in awhile I thought I had a buyer but they finally backed out I really need to move this I will do 2100 shipped and insured to your doorstep.....
This model was my first bass...lucked into one as a teenager, didn't know what I had. Been wanting another ever since. BUMP.

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