This is a brand new set of D'Addario Helicore Pizzicato MEDIUMs. Still sealed in the original packaging. I am interested in trading for used set of Spiro mediums in good condition.
i bought a Shen bass secondhand. i BELIEVE they are thomastik spiros as it is a nick lloyd bass and that is the only thomastik set he offers.
there are two or three slight blemishes on the strings. the E string is a little dented where it sits on the bridge. both of my bass instructors told me there was no reason i'd have to change the strings due to said blemishes and that they would be fine for a long time to come. they sound like a dream; i've just wanted to try helicores just to try.
thing is i'm not sure if they are mediums. all i know is that they have the red ribbon at the tailpiece and were bought from nick lloyd. his site only specifies that thomastik spiros are one of his three options; never states which gauge. they FEEL kind of light ... but to be honest it's really the only bass i've spent a substantial amount of time playing. for all i know they could be mediums that just feel light due to the low action.
it'll be a while before i get back to my bass. i'm a few states away recovering from surgery. if you get another offer before i can check go ahead. then there's also the problem that i've never changed strings before and i heard if i take them all off at the same time the sound post will collapse. so i may have to back out of this deal. :/
i don't know. i've only owned an upright since january so i'm still relatively new to the mechanics of this nature.
mr mastodon....we should take this conversation offline. check your private message box. i sent you a message earlier. i'd be willing to wait. and i don't mind sending you the strings first to change them out. good luck with the recovery.