Yes I want a head! Doesnt really matter what kind, I don't want a piece of crap tho. And not something really weak.
C C chode916 Aug 24, 2005 i have a peavy delta bass head. it is a great heat in absolutly mint condition! 200 dollers
T T tramp Aug 25, 2005 I have a peavey mark lll bass head in excellent condition. 165 watts at 4 ohms. Looking for $160.
Bassic83 Aug 25, 2005 Behringer BX3000T. Yeah, yeah, I know, the B word, but this thing is loud with good tone and has never given me a moment's trouble in the two years I have owned it. Make me an offer.
Behringer BX3000T. Yeah, yeah, I know, the B word, but this thing is loud with good tone and has never given me a moment's trouble in the two years I have owned it. Make me an offer.