For sale Jazz Pickguard

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Still looking....



I have a white one that would look SWEET on that bass!! :D

I also have some black pickguard material and could whip out a black one pretty easily...

I have a cream/white pearloid one, if you want it, it's yours for super's not Fender brand though.
Robert....Black isn't the direction I want to go, but thank you for the offer.

Tim....PM your way.


With many thanks to Tim, I got myself a creamy white pearloid one coming out west from the land of BIG RED!!

I'll leave the thread open to see if I can score another one in a different color.

Mike, I've got an AllParts reddish tort pickguard I'd part with cheap. Came off a MIA J, has been trimmed slightly for pickup clearance. Not perfect but probably wouldn't see the sloppy trim when installed on the Bass.
White pearloid's the way to go, Mike.

Just make sure you're getting the standard MIA 10-hole pattern, and not any of the MIJ variants (10-whacko holes, 11-holes) or worse. Any Fender MIA p/g or good copy (Jeannie, Chandler, WD, etc) should be fine.
Thanks for the heads up Walt. I saw pics of the one I am getting from Tim. It will fit perfectly.

Still looking for a pearloid in white, or cream white for my Jazz. The one I got from Tim does not fit.

MJ5150 said:
I'm thinking about switching up the pickguard on my bass. Below is my bass. Who wants to sell me one that will look good on my bass?


nice bass,you need a black pickguard and black controls
Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to stick with what I want, cream or white pearloid.

Your money's been sent back Mike.

I actually think white pearloid would look stunning on this bass. Really nice looking bass though. I dig the grey with the maple board especially.
Hey Mike I have a white pickguard for sale. :D

BTW, I can easily kick your a$$ in Tecmo Super Bowl.
jive1 said:
BTW, I can easily kick your a$$ in Tecmo Super Bowl.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just lucky Tecmo Bowl isn't a part of XBOX Live buddy!!!!! :D

I'll bump this up and wait a couple more days. If nothing comes of it, I suppose I'll head over to Warmoth or USACG sometime during the week and pick one up.

MJ5150 said:
I'll bump this up and wait a couple more days. If nothing comes of it, I suppose I'll head over to Warmoth or USACG sometime during the week and pick one up.

I've got a black pearloid one...if you're interested. You pay shipping, and it's yours.
The black one jja412 sent me is most awesome. I am still looking for a cream pearloid one for when I am in that mood. Anyone have one? Must be off a MIA Jazz. You can see pics of my bass further up in the thread to make sure your's will match mine.


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