We are very sorry for the inconvenience but until we can get a critical error fixed, we must disable the ad filters temporarily. For now, the main search is active but searching by string count, location, etc is not.
hi i am looking for something new i currently play a modulus quantum 4 andi like it but i am looking for some thing more custom like a Nordstrand, elrick or anything else anyone could suggest thanks chris
I saw your post. Please check out the Ray Simonetti Custom 4 string at www.tradingbasses.com I can be emailed from the site if you are interested. It's definately worth the look!
This bass is great, it was made to slap and tapping (IMHO) the action is low and fast without any fretbuzz and you can get a lot of tones thanks to the EMG BTS system, I'm only selling it (or trading it) because I need a good 5 or 6 stringer bad (ok and maybe a 4 stringer) it balances perfectly and it looks gorgeous
PM if interested.
Without knowing more about what you're looking for, in my opinion, you really can't go wrong with any of the following (but some will be better suited to you and your needs than others based on your style, etc.)