T T themeanreds Jul 20, 2010 FCB said: pickup cover? Click to expand... Is included with the complete body, yes.
A-Step-Towards Jul 20, 2010 dlegault said: does this have a square or rounded neck pocket? Click to expand... square
T T themeanreds Jul 28, 2010 DanRJBrasil said: would you sell only the fralin pickup, how much ? thx Click to expand... I would sell the Fralin pickup, the base of which has been shaved down a bit to fit propery in the Squier, for $73/shipped.
DanRJBrasil said: would you sell only the fralin pickup, how much ? thx Click to expand... I would sell the Fralin pickup, the base of which has been shaved down a bit to fit propery in the Squier, for $73/shipped.