For sale SOLD: MarkBass Compressore $185 Shipped CONUS




This is about two weeks old. I can still take it back to Guitar Center, but I thought I'd offer it up here first. Let me know if you have any questions.


wouldn't happen to be interested in any trades + cash would ya? I've got a brand new enigma qballs or a sansamp prog bddi.
wouldn't happen to be interested in any trades + cash would ya? I've got a brand new enigma qballs or a sansamp prog bddi.

Thanks, but I'm downsizing the effects now. I go through binge and purge, binge and purge. In a month or two I'll go back into the big pedal board phase.
I'd like to scoop that up from you. Two questions: Is the 185.00 w/ shipping included, and do you take paypal?:cool:
Yes, that includes shipping and PayPal is the preferred method of payment. The power supply is included and the US plug for the power supply is in the box. (That will make more sense when you see it.)

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