Landmine LD-1 Distortion Pedal - $40 shipped (this one has a couple of broken knobs/pot shafts, but they can still be adjusted) SOLD!!!
- BBE Opto Stomp - $45 shipped SOLD!!!
- Korg DTR-2 Rack Tuner - $60 shipped SOLD!!!
- Korg DTR-1000 Rack Tuner - $100 shipped SOLD!!!
- Gator Pedal Tote - Black (excellent condition) - as seen here for $60: - $40 shipped SOLD!!!
- BBE Opto Stomp - $45 shipped SOLD!!!
- Korg DTR-2 Rack Tuner - $60 shipped SOLD!!!
- Korg DTR-1000 Rack Tuner - $100 shipped SOLD!!!
- Gator Pedal Tote - Black (excellent condition) - as seen here for $60: - $40 shipped SOLD!!!