For sale Tons of strings for sale!!! (free shipping)



Alright, I went all out and bought a bunch of strings so I didn't have to spend years figuring out which string is best. I made it through half of them when I found my favorite: Obligatos (and I unknowingly had an extra set of these laying around for awhile). The rest I never opened. All prices include shipping!

Pirastro Obligato set-NEW-$100-SOLD-
Pirastro "new" Flat Chromesteel set-NEW-$110-SOLD-
Pirastro Pizzicato set-NEW-$225
Thomastik Spirocore-NEW-$125-SOLD-
Thomastik Spirocore Weich-NEW-$125-SOLD-
Pirastro Permanent set-used 1 week-$90-SOLD-
Picatos set-used 1 week-75
E Pirastro Oliv-NEW-$85
A Pirastro Oliv-NEW-$70-SOLD-
D Pirastro Eudoxa-used once-$45-SOLD-
G Pirastro Eudoxa-used once-$40-SOLD-
A Pirastro Original Flexocore-NEW-$30-SOLD-
E extention Piratro Permanent-NEW-$30-SOLD-
E extention Helicore medium gauge orchestra-NEW-$25


The Permanent set is sold... Still have the Pizzicatos. They're $339 from Lemur, mine have never been opened, I'll sell them for $200. Think I might keep the Picatos, and maybe the Olivs (they feel real nice in my hand...) but I don't want the Helicore extention, somebody buy it. :D

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