Hey everyone,
I've been looking for a Natural Ash/Maple JO5 for a long time now. Must be in excellent condition and willing to ship to Canada. Thank you
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I'm looking for a Skyline Jobo 5, must be in excellent condition and playing order. PM me if you have anything.
Also may be interested in an MTD Heir/Kingston or Cort RB5/JP5 (josh paul)
Thank you,
Dan Horne
I'm interested in acouple basses and thought i might as well put up one thread. Basses are:
Cort Josh Paul 5
Pedulla Rapture (price used? may be pushing it?)
Lakland Joe Osbourn
MTD Kingston
This is the price range (400-900) i'm looking in too, so if you happen to have any similiar...
Hey there bassplayers,
I'm looking for a Skyline JoBo 5. only interested in Natural or Sunburst models. May be interested in a Fretless but Fretted is preffered. Let me know what you have.
Hey i may be interested in buying your Eden Metro. If you happen to have one that you want to sell, let me know. Must be in perfect working condition with little to no cosmetic wear. Must be willing to ship to Canada. Thanks alot ! PM me or post for reply
I'm looking for a used eden head (nothing specific at the moment) must have enough power to run at least 2 cabs comfortably. I'm also looking for a eden 210XLT. If you have anything let me know. Every thing must be in good working order.