Ads by nicklloyd

For Sale: American Standard, #158, w/Mooradian bag, ebony board, original neck, adjustable bridge; in professsional playing condition. $2000.00 Email me for photos; this bass is also known as Chris Fitzgerald's A.S.S. Thanks. 513.681.1863
For sale FS: Eminence EUB
For Sale: Eminence EUB, fixed neck, 4 string, used 2 months, like-new condition, w/bag and Realist. $1900 plus shipping ($20-$30). PM me or call 513.681.1863 Thanks.
1 watching
New Standard plywood bass, Cleveland model, made by Arnold Schnitzer and Will De Sola. Ebony board, adjustable bridge, setup with Spirocores, but can switch to Helicore, Obligato, etc. This is a new instrument. Very full, round sound. Plays like butta'... $3650.00 In Cincinnati, will...
2 watching
Hey yo- A friend, Kent Blanton (in Nashville) has Obligato E/A for sale. He had them on 10 minutes, and didn't like them. Wants $50. His email is [email protected] Thanks.
For sale 3/4 Spam
For Sale: Nice, Big, Spam. Professional spam, new spam, and choice of spam included. Will ship spam for cost. Although you can get this spam just about everywhere on the net, this spam is certified as being genuine spam. No other spam is quite like it. email or call 1.800.BUY.SPAM.