For sale Wanted: 1x12 Cabinet - Schroeder, Gallien-Krueger, Genz Benz, Bergantino, more?



Hi all.

I'm looking for a 1x12 or so cabinet. My thread is HERE if you want to view it.

Here's my list:
Genz-Benz NeoX 112 (will also consider 212 model)
Bergantino EX112 (may consider an HT112 for the right price)
Gallien-Krueger Neo 112 or 115 (may also consider 212 model)
Schroeder Mini 12 (may also consider 1210 or 1212 for the right price)

I'll also consider other cabs that roughly meet my expectations (see thread); goes deep (I only play a four string and don't plan on changing), has a tight low end (I don't want gobs of low end, but I want all the notes to sing), comes in the eight ohm variety (I may consider a four ohm cabinet that I could use alone for gigs), responds well to EQ and playing changes (I play a lot of different stuff and don't want a one-sided enclosure), is fairly portable (not much more than sixty pounds, and not a "large" cabinet).

PMs or e-mails are fine. I have cash in-hand, but will also have a two week-old Sansamp BDDI (bought 4-23-05, can send you a scan of the receipt, or if you buy it I'll send a copy of the sales receipt), everything included in purchase I have (Guitar Center's price tag is still on the front of the box) if you want one of those as trade bait.



I've got a previously-unexpected gig next Saturday, help me out here, and I'll be willing to help you.
No Doubt, the low end is not for everyone. Just figured I'd ask since I have 2. Good Luck Bro ;)

Thanks, and good luck to you as well.

After over a month and a half, I've started speaking with Don at Low Down Sound.
I have 2 Genz Benz LS 1x12t cabs. I love them, I just don't use them much anymore, my combo gets me through 95% of my gigs. If interested, pm me. Good luck.
angrydad said:
I have 2 Genz Benz LS 1x12t cabs. I love them, I just don't use them much anymore, my combo gets me through 95% of my gigs. If interested, pm me. Good luck.

The Live Series is definately awesome (my 2x10, killer!), especially for the price. But the twelve's from that series are not what I'm looking for.

Thanks for the offer, and good luck selling them.
Alright, I'm willing to get a single "big" (but not too big) cab if it will do four ohms on its own nicely and fits my criteriae as a stand-alone cabinet.

Updated list of my "most wanted" cabs (in no particular order):
SWR Henry 8x8
Yorkville 8x8
Bergantino EX/HT112, HT115, HT212, etc.
Genz-Benz NeoX 112 or 212
Scroeder cabs (must I specify?)
Gallien-Krueger Neo 115, 212
Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse 112, 212, maybe the Powerhouse Jr. (4x8/1x12)

I'm still open, as I was before, to other cabinets, but these are the ones I'm most interested in.
Bump for the weekend.


NB: Little short on funds for this right now, my bass is in the shop for some unlucky events. Feel free to send me your offers, least I can do is say, "If you don't mind waiting until some of my stuff moves, I'm interested."

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