For sale Wanted: Ampeg SVT-410HE

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I need another 410HE to match the one I currently have. Right now I'm using two 4x10's, but one is an older model Ampeg that's only 4ohms. I realize now that I need two matching 8ohm cabinets, so I need to buy a new one of these.

I'm in Illinois, so someone in that area would be great. Thanks!


I sold my old 4ohm cabinet and now, more than ever, need the SVT-410HE. Anyone out there looking to get rid of one?
I could find it on there (maybe it sold?) What are some other sites that sell used stuff like this? I'm interested. If not for a 4x10, just for future reference and for browsing fun.
Yeah, I think I can get a better deal the 400, plus I'd have to have shipping come into play. I was just wondering if there are other stores like this that sell used bass stuff just in general. All I know of are forums and ebay to buy used stuff. Every once in awhile, a local guitar store will have a good deal, but it's rare.

Nothing against ebay, I love it to the extreme!
i have one i'm ready to get rid of... was thinking $300. i'm in portland or so shipping may be a prob. if interested, i could get you some pics within a few days... lemme know.

[email protected]

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