For sale Wanted: Cheap, low power amp head

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I need a head to use as a practice amp with a spare cab. Low wattage is OK. Email me if you have one for sale.


Good morning from insomnia central:

No friday night gig since two bandmates went to hippie festival in West Virginia; insomnia results, and I have an easy solution for you...

Go straight away to Ebay and look for an Alesis RA 100, or one of its brethren. :cool: Quiet, clean, and very cheap... I'm currently using one to drive the top end of my Bag End cabinets in myh "big rig" up at church, which dlesn't have to move, fortunately...

Hope this helps...
brock29609 said:
I need a head to use as a practice amp with a spare cab. Low wattage is OK. Email me if you have one for sale.

I have a behringer b3000t head and DR Bass 2x12" cabinet for sale. Might be a little more than what you are looking for.. $375
Red Cell said:
I have a behringer b3000t head and DR Bass 2x12" cabinet for sale. Might be a little more than what you are looking for.. $375


he's looking for a low wattage head only.
Looks like someone was looking for a free "for sale" post to me. Looking to spend as far under $100 as possible.
brock29609 said:
Looks like someone was looking for a free "for sale" post to me. Looking to spend as far under $100 as possible.
I have a UniVox Bass Head. Just got it out of the shop. I had the amp replaced and the transformer. It puts out about 25 watts now. Originally it was 15 watts. It is all BRAND NEW on the inside... $100 and it is yours!
brock29609 said:
Looks like someone was looking for a free "for sale" post to me. Looking to spend as far under $100 as possible.

No I was wondering if you were open to something a little larger.
I have a Behringer BX600 combo amp i would sell. 60 watts and has a 12" speaker in it and i have added a speaker output jack so you can plug in an external cab. I would let it go for $100.00 plus shipping.

Can you go $150? I know a guy who is looking to sell his old Peavey for that much. I also have a lead on a Carvin R600 that needs some work for $150. PM me if interested.


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