yeah, thinking of getting rid of my 1306 6 string. Does anyone know what one would be worth, (not much I don't think) Cheers, Aaron: australia
L L LRAD50 Mar 9, 2004 not the right forum and if u did want to know a retail you would have to list everything about the bass
not the right forum and if u did want to know a retail you would have to list everything about the bass
P P puttz buster Mar 9, 2004 Brendan said: USD, about $600-800 USD, depending on the month. Click to expand... Thanks brendan.
P P puttz buster Mar 9, 2004 I am not shure how to close this thread I created , so could someone close it for me thanks. I have the infomation I requested. thanks, Aaron
I am not shure how to close this thread I created , so could someone close it for me thanks. I have the infomation I requested. thanks, Aaron