i'm looking to trade my Eden D-115 for a 1X18 cab, and after posting on craigslist, I found someone interested in it, who has an Avatar 1X18. However, I can't find any info on them, does anyone know if these cabs exist, what kind of ratings they have, and how good they sound?
I've got someone else who'd be willing to pay cash so i'll be good either way, i'm just curious, trying to find some info before i meet up with this guy tonight.
Also, he's looking for a 1X15 to go with his 4X10, powered by an Eden WT800, will my 200 watt 8ohm D-115 be cool receiving 400 watts from the WT800? It SHOULDbe, i'm just curious.
I've got someone else who'd be willing to pay cash so i'll be good either way, i'm just curious, trying to find some info before i meet up with this guy tonight.
Also, he's looking for a 1X15 to go with his 4X10, powered by an Eden WT800, will my 200 watt 8ohm D-115 be cool receiving 400 watts from the WT800? It SHOULDbe, i'm just curious.