Dogs with Diabetes.


Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2004
I just found out this afternoon that my 13 year old Lab has Diabetes.I took him to the vet thinking his hips had given out,but it turns out his blood sugar was double what it was supposed to be.Which explained the loss of strength,and his really high rate of water consumption. I'm ready to do what it takes to keep him around,which in this case means 2 shots a day. Anybody else going through this with their dog? And,yes Major Metal,I hug him every chance I get!!!
yeah man one of my two dogs has diabetes. she is half snowser and half beagle and she is also about twelve. She also went blind last year. I keep thinking of putting her down, but she still has pep in her. I run around the house with her(yes,run, yes she is blind but knows the house very well) and play and she jumps up on the couch with me.

I gotta give her a shot on the morning and at night
If it is like human diabetes, they could go blind if it not taken care of properly. Either the dog was diagnosed with diabetes after having it a long time or it has not been taken care of properly are two reasons they may go blind.

My grandfather has diabetes, he is horrible at taking care of it, therefore his vision is slowly getting worse.
I just got him over vertigo a few months ago,and his blood sugar was fine then.This happend within the last week or so.He's been very slow recently,but this morning he couldn't physically get up off the floor to go outside. The vet called me about an hour ago and said the the insulin injections they gave him did nothing at all.His blood sugar is still over 400.He has one more thing to try tonight,and if that doesn't work,then there is only one choice left,and it will kill me to have to do that. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed at this point.
As a dog breeder/trainer, I think that the best thing, on top of the shots, is make sure you feed him high quality food and get him as much exercise as possible without over-doing it. I have a 15 yr old black lab female that still retrieves. She is a freak of nature.
I didn't know dogs could get Diabetes?

I have diabetes. Is it the same as humans, on how it works?

It is the same, and as with humans it can be caused by a number of reasons. Type 1 diabetes caused by immunodeficiency is rife in my family, and I hope that neither my brother nor I develop it (immune system destroys your pancreatic islets, so it isnt like it can be avoided as with many forms of diabetes.

If it is like human diabetes, they could go blind if it not taken care of properly. Either the dog was diagnosed with diabetes after having it a long time or it has not been taken care of properly are two reasons they may go blind.

My grandfather has diabetes, he is horrible at taking care of it, therefore his vision is slowly getting worse.

The vision thing happens anyway. You are also, generally more prone to infection. The loss of vision is caused by ulcerations on the rear of your eyes which get progressivley closer to the optic nerve IIRC.

A friend of mine has a dog with Diabetes, it is treatable, and they can have a happy life still. It is just a case of a little bit more hassle for the owners. But hell, they are family right!
Our doxie had diabetes. Two shots a day. She was awesome about it and really had no other health issues once she was diagnosed. Looking back, we should have found it earlier as she had quite a few symptoms but who knew that your dog could get diabetes. She never developed any vision issues and lived a real good life, shots and all.
Good luck with your own pup.
I went to see him yesterday,and he's responding to the injections. He stood up on his own and wagged his tail,so he'll be ok. 2 shots a day at 15 units each for now,and some special food.A little more responsibility on my part,but he's worth it.Probably won't be retrieving birds anymore,but I think he'll be happy chasing squirrels out of the yard.I'll be taking him home this afternoon.I really thought I was going to have to let him go,but thankfully not.Thanks for everybodys helpful info and support. I really appreciate it! So does Jake.
We're not out of the woods yet. His blood sugar spiked last night to over 500,and he's running a fever.I don't get it.They now have him on some antibiotics,and I think they are trying a different insulin.I'm starting to worry again. Thanks for letting me vent.
Our Siberian Husky was diagnosed with diabetes in 2002. We initially stated with 12 units 2x daily, and before she died two years later she was up to 33 units 2x daily. Up until the last few days of her life she managed the diabetes and lived very well. It was alot of work on our part, and I don't regret a single minute of it.

We were feeding a food from the vet called DCO, which I believe Purina makes. It's specifically for dogs with diabetes, is fairly expensive, and of course is only available with a vet's prescription.

The most important thing is to make sure the dog has eaten before you give an insulin shot. Even if you have to spice up the food with something (macaroni and cheese works very well), if the dog doesn't eat you shouldn't give the shot.

Best of luck to you and your dog.