Emergency Fender question

adrian garcia

In Memoriam
Apr 9, 2001
las vegas. nevada
Endorsing Artist: Nordy Basses, Schroeder Cabs, Gallien Krueger Amps
I am looking for a Jazz 5- i looked at FMT- and i loved the sound- but i actually like the look of the American Deluxe better- it has the traditional plate and i can get on in natural- my question is, is the preamp the same on the AmDlx as it is on the FMT?- anyone know for sure?? thanks- peace, A
Originally posted by Jared Morante
Is there something wrong with your current jazz 5 bass? :confused:
no, actually- im doing a controlled experiment at the ocst of a Fender bass- i bought an American Deluxe 5 today from CG in Atlanta , thanks to Woodchuck-
i will decide which i will keep later. The thing is, I am used to the 34.5 in scale of the F bass and i never thought id be a wimp and actually feel the 35 in scale of the USACG jazz bass-
also, I really want that Fneder sound- and the other day a frined came by a gig that i do that is an open jam session and i played hi Fender USA Dlx 5 and i laid that thumb down and BOOM!! Marcus tone.. theres a vibe to the Fender sound- i havent owned a Fender since !979, so im ready to try again- even though the USACG j bass is sweeet!! i love the look- i was looking at an FMT, bu i prefer the standard layout--
Greetings Adrian!

I went to www.fender.com glicked on the gear tab, and did a side by side comparison of those two basses a few months ago, I found the diff between the FMT and the Deluxe was just the gold hardware (if we are talking about the new deluxes) all else from the width at the nut to the scale length, electronics, etc seemed to be the same, the OLDER deluxes dont have the 18volt preamp or the noisless pickups, or the fancy gold hardware, But IMO, they still throw down! fyi...I am making ref to the American deluxe modles

hope this helps:bassist:

well, i bought an american deluxe ( used) and its already on its way here, and i didnt check to see if it was the 18 volt system-
not that it HAS to be- im just looking for the sound-
but this one may be an older one because it is natural ash with maple board and i dont see nat ash offered at the Fender site now-
good old GC has the 30 day return- so i will a-b it with my usacg jazz bass and decide then..
when it comes to certain sounds like a jaco or marcus thing, regardless of how well built laklands and sadowsky's are, fenders seem to do the best job. the others approximate the sound well but dont nail it. i played a mex fender dlx 5 a couple of weeks ago and was suprised at how good it sounded. i could pan to the bridge pickup and get a nice throaty jaco tone even with the preamp. the boutique jazzes sound too hi tech with their preamps to my ear.
Originally posted by adrian garcia
i gotz one a coming- be here tomorrow!! ( Fender, that is) gotz to be a 5 -- i just sold a sweet roscoe -- you gotta see whats coming!!

You keep hinting at whats coming man...give us the info!

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