I've played Edens for years - 410XLT, 210XLT, and a 210XST. But the other day I gave into my severe gas pains and TB raves and checked out all the Epifani cabs - a UL410, UL212, and UL610. I played em with my rig (a Universal Audio 6176 into a Stew 2.1), an Epifani 502, and an Aguilar DB750. And boy oh boy was I excited to drop thousands of bucks on some combination of these cabs and stick my old Edens up on Craigslist for a song.
And you know what . . .
I like my Edens just fine.
To me, the Epis sounded a little too lite and clean to me. I felt like they might just disappear onstage without a bunch of warm fuzzy tube gear driving a rack o' Crests sitting beside them! Now granted, I'm used to that Eden low mid push and grunt - and I play rock music mostly. I was just really excited to get into something new. No dice on the Epifani stuff.
So how about Bergantino? Well, I read the posts, called Jim, drank the cool-aid, marched down to my shop, found myself a minty fresh 322, dropped my thousand bucks on the table, hauled it to the space, plugged it in . . . aaaaaand . . .
I like my Edens just fine.
The Berg was great - I liked it quite a bit more than the Epi gear. But every time I'd plug back into the Eden, it just felt bigger somehow and certainly more like home. And the Bergie went back to the shop.
For me, this is undoubtedly a great thing and perhaps a sign or some kind of looming life-lesson that I desperately need to pay attention to. Far too often, I get gear crazy - read the posts, check out the websites, and build up this pillar of expectation regarding some new piece of gear. Sometimes my expectations are met and the pillar stands . . . and other times, like today, the pillar comes crashing down.
So this is a thread for those of you who feel the need to "upgrade" from whatever gear you have, but haven't yet . . . maybe your stuff is just fine. And my advice is to maybe learn a new tune, work on your walking, change your strings, or maybe take a bike ride. For me, learning to be satisfied with what I have is incredibly difficult, but ultimately, it's worth it.
And you know what . . .
I like my Edens just fine.
To me, the Epis sounded a little too lite and clean to me. I felt like they might just disappear onstage without a bunch of warm fuzzy tube gear driving a rack o' Crests sitting beside them! Now granted, I'm used to that Eden low mid push and grunt - and I play rock music mostly. I was just really excited to get into something new. No dice on the Epifani stuff.
So how about Bergantino? Well, I read the posts, called Jim, drank the cool-aid, marched down to my shop, found myself a minty fresh 322, dropped my thousand bucks on the table, hauled it to the space, plugged it in . . . aaaaaand . . .
I like my Edens just fine.
The Berg was great - I liked it quite a bit more than the Epi gear. But every time I'd plug back into the Eden, it just felt bigger somehow and certainly more like home. And the Bergie went back to the shop.
For me, this is undoubtedly a great thing and perhaps a sign or some kind of looming life-lesson that I desperately need to pay attention to. Far too often, I get gear crazy - read the posts, check out the websites, and build up this pillar of expectation regarding some new piece of gear. Sometimes my expectations are met and the pillar stands . . . and other times, like today, the pillar comes crashing down.
So this is a thread for those of you who feel the need to "upgrade" from whatever gear you have, but haven't yet . . . maybe your stuff is just fine. And my advice is to maybe learn a new tune, work on your walking, change your strings, or maybe take a bike ride. For me, learning to be satisfied with what I have is incredibly difficult, but ultimately, it's worth it.