HELP!!!! Why am I so uninspired bass-wise lately?

I am on a hiatus from regular gigging, something I thought would offer that "heart grows fonder" feeling. But, the longer I stay away, the less interested I am.

I am just so uninspired to pick up my basses (have 2 sitting right here) at all.

Over the last year I have gigged out tons of weekends, even some weeknights. I felt a break was in order in early Aug but since then, I could almost care less about gigging at all.

What the heck is wrong with me!!!???!!:help:
I think I'm going through a similar thing myself. this is the first time im my bass palying "career" where i don't have a new song to learn for a band or an assignment from an instructor to do. i went from palying gigs once or twice a week to doing absolutely nothing. it's like a steady gig gives you something to work for and a need to stay on top of your game.

I suggest finding some sort of goal to work towards bass playing wise and give yourself a reason to paly. For example I need to work on my ear training a bit so I set aside some time everyday (in addition to my normal practice routine) and try to work out a new song by ear every day.
You are burned out. You don't have a reason to play. it will pass.

Try writing some music. Pick up an acoustic guitar. I find that acoustic guitar playing gets my creative juices flowing. it's just so "musical". Other than the piano I can think of no other instrument that lets you make so much music by itself. Inspires me to write every day.
My 0.02:

Music is like a loving relationship... most of the time is great, but what would be a loving relationship without some arguments and some time like the one you're going thru ? Those I guess are the times to recharge batteries...

Playing music when it comes to a profession, it's still a job... none of us went through bad period in their jobs ?

You'll ride again the big wave before you can imagine.

I've suffered from a similar problem myself just last year and trust me if you recover, you will face this problem again.

As the others have mentioned, try doing other things like playing other instruments like the piano or guitar..

One reason for this feeling is a deep sense of being overwhlemed subconciously by your expectations of yourself. Perhaps you have set mental datelines of musical goals to accomplish but haven't and so as it progresses one gets overwhelmed to the point where his interest in his music gets suffocated.

But don't worry! I got over a phase and i'm now writing and listening to music as compared to the intense practices i had in the past.. keep goin!