DB help with sibelius

Jan 21, 2003
I use Sibelius Edition 1.4 for my vain attempts at composing in addition to student stuff and arranging. I like it a lot and have finally gotten to the point where I am fairly proffecient with it.

My question- I can't get more than one line of notes in the same measure on the same instrument. You know how sometimes in piano music, for example, on the treble line there will be the main row of music and there might be a half note not connected to the lower quarter or eighth or whatever notes below that indicates you should also play that note at the same time for the indicated time? I can't figure out how to get sibelius to do this and since, as you may have guessed, I don't know what this is called so I can't look it up in the manual. If you could tell me the name of it or how to make sibelius do it or both that would be great.

You mean like in this score?



12. To enter a second voice (Voice 2), with NOTHING in the score selected (hit esc.), choose the vote value and any other note properties from the keypad; then choose the desired VOICE from the drop-down menu on the General panel of the Properties window.

1. Click in the score where you want the new voice to begin. You can now continue to input notes within the new voice as normal.
13. To eliminate an unwanted rest in voice 2 (i.e., count 4 of measure 2), hit Escape (esc), click on the rest and hit delete twice. The rest will disappear.
14. To beam the notes together, click on the Beam section of the Keypad window. Choosing a note and choosing a beaming pattern will change the beaming. Note that the beaming pattern is represented by eighth note beams regardless of what kind of beam that you want.
15. To slur the notes, select a note and type an S. To extend the slur forward, hit the space bar.
16. To create the dynamics: Create/Text/Expression. Click the blue arrow where you want the dynamic to appear. Type in the desired dynamic

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