How many strings should i go for?

Hey guys. I’ve been playing bass for about a year and a half. I just started getting into the realm on slapping a lot. I have the squire skull and crossbones bass and now I’ve been wanting to upgrade for a while. One because a new bass would make me sit and pay and practice more and two, a new bass would just be better than my squire. Now comes the decision of what bass to get. For me the big decision is how many strings. Because I don’t plan to upgrade for another few years I need something I can sit and progress with. This along with the fact that I don’t want to sit and keep buying bass after bass. I plan on having just two basses. My squire I have already defretted so id have a fretless without spending the loot to have one plus it would give me a reason to play my old baby still. I love the sound it gives me now. So that’s my bass for jazz, blues, and some indie and ska.

Now I need that new bass for playing punk, hard rock, and the other genres I cant use a fretless for. Along with the fact that slapping my new fretless makes me cry because it sounds just ugh. Now for you guys I want to know what you think of me buying the peavey grind 6 string. I’m probably going to get it off of*grind*&Search_Type=SEARCH&GroupCode=

So what I want to know is what you guys think of the idea of going with six so as I get better I already have my kick ass bass to do some pwnage on. I have sat in music stores and playing on some and they feel great but my skills have not reached needing the extra strings yet. BUT id like to have them so when I do get better I do not have to shell out money again plus I think having it now may push me to move along in bass more quickly. Give my your opinions

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