I want to replace a Gretsch Controfuzz

I need to start by asking if anybody is familiar with the Gretsch Controfuzz, and it's unusual behavior.

The sound is hard to describe, but here I go.
Good clean punch with a long fuzzy underlying sustain.
The longer you sustain a note the gnarlier the distortion gets, to the point where it seems to phase itself into breaking up.
Very cool, useful sounds.

I have read that it works by adding fuzz, and then removing it from the loudest part of the input note (the attack).

I need to repair it, it has crapped out, it looks to be 30-40 years old so that's no surprise. Time to replace it, I need a reliable box, does anybody have suggestions, I would like it to sound like the old one, best as possible.
I don't know of any current pedal that does what you describe. If it was mine, I would trace the circuit, test the values, and build a new one with all-new parts and modern switching. If that was beyond me, I would find someone competent to do exactly that, and pay them to build me a new one. (FWIW I'm not entirely competent as a builder, so I'm not offering to do it myself.)
Thanks for the replies,
GM I checked out a couple of websites, and see what your talking about. I have the soldering skills pretty good, I need to get a price on the components before I make a descision here.

The kits you mentioned are quite different internally. My box uses two IC type Op-Amps, while the kit only uses one.
Thanks for the replies,
GM I checked out a couple of websites, and see what your talking about. I have the soldering skills pretty good, I need to get a price on the components before I make a descision here.

The kits you mentioned are quite different internally. My box uses two IC type Op-Amps, while the kit only uses one.

i'd be super interested to see yours then.post up some pics if you get a chance.
with most of the old pedals i get in for repairs - the problem is in the wiring ( or drifted carbon comp resistors). the small wire that they used to use has a tendency to rot and corrode and rewiring the pedal with all new wire fixes alot of their issues and makes them roadworthy again.
It took a while for me to get a camera together. Here are a couple photos.

