Identifying Fender Jazz pickups

My bass is a 98 V MIM with the bridge pickup longer than the neck pickup. I've read on this forum many times that the older MIM's have the same length pickups. Mine also appear to hum cancel when using both pickups at the same volume level. Since I bought the bass used, I'm wondering if someone installed MIA pickups in it. I would like to examine them and identify my pickups as MIM or MIA. Thanks again for the your input.
Just had a thought, and did some poking around and found some info.

If you go to there is a wealth of info about recent fender basses (it's Fender's tech support site)

Clicking on the link for Guitar/Bass Wiring and Switching Diagrams pulls up a table of links for .pdf documents of wiring schematics, parts lists, etc. Cool Stuff!!!!

The orignal MIM Js had equal length pups and the parts list shows one part number 0036437000

The parts list for the upgraded MIM J (unequal length pups) calls out the following part numbers:

Neck 0058294000
Bridge 0058295000

The Am and Am Std J Basses have pups with the following part numbers

Neck 0033753000
Bridge 0033746000

I don't know if the part numbers are marked on the bobbins or not. If you take the pups out, BE CAREFULL. One little slip could break the hair-thin magnet wire rendering your pickup dead.

BTW, it is a typical phenomonon for a pair of full-on J pups to be hum free.

Have fun!!!!!
good grief...I missed the V in your description of the bass as in 98 V (confirmed by your profile).

MIM J5 pups Neck 0053303000
Bridge 0053302000

MIA J5 pups Neck 0048735000
Bridge 0048736000

If you take a look...let us know what you find and tell us where they're marked.

Oh...had another thought and looked at the wiring diagrams. The MIA calls out white and black wires from the pups, the MIM white(yellow) and black. I'm not sure if that means a yellow stripe or the white wire could be yellow.

I'm done now;)
Made a quick check on wire color. My pickup wires are solid black and solid white(no yellow stripe). I've never pulled the pups on my jazz. I did pull my MIJ Fender P/J Jazz Bass Special pups and don't remember any markings on them. I'll probably pull a pup on the jazz day after tomorrow (gotta barbeque on the 4th). Thanks again for all the helpful input and happy Indepencence Day.

Do the solder connections on the controls look original or do they look like someone has worked on them. Compare the connections on the volume controls to those on the tone control.

Beyond that, perhaps a visit to and an email to the folks in Scottsdale would be the only way to find out. I don't know if mexi pups have a different dc resistance than MIA pups, that would be one other way to tell if they're original or not.

Have fun!!!!
I purchased a set of MIA jazz V pups on ebay and compared them to my existing pups. I can find no markings on either set. They are identical in color, size and weight. The only difference I could find was in resistance across the coils. They are as follows: MIM-3.42K neck and 5.15k bridge----MIA-7.34k neck and 7.62k bridge. I've only played it once since I installed the MIA's, so the jury's still out on the sound.
I just bought some simple mexican pickups.

For the bridge


Neck pickup: 0058294000

How hot are those pickups? And how do they compare to the more expensive versions. These have magnets at the bottom... And what pole pieces are used?