DB Left Handed problem

Hi everyone,

I was looking at starting to play double bass after years of playing the electric bass.

The problem is that I play left handed. I went to see my teacher, who also plays double bass and he told me that since left handed double bass are so rare to find, I would have to play right handed on it. Therefore, I am afraid that while playing and practicing on the right handed double bass, my technique on the left handed electric bass will mess up.
I was wondering that if I do play right handed on the double bass, it won't mess up the technique on the other electric bass.

Since I'm not left-handed I'm sure that I don't understand what lefties go through when learning an instrument. I've started students who were southpaws from the standpoint that we finger with our left hand and bow/pluck with our right. So a left-hander has an easier time with fingering and righties have an easier time with plucking/bowing. In the woodwind and brass world there are no hand specific instruments that I know of. In the acoustic string world there are left-handed instruments but your selection is limited. The point of all this is that because you already play left-handed you are probably aren't going to want to learn DB right-handed unless you are extremely motivated. You're teacher could teach you left-handed. Actually, demonstrations would make more sense to you because it would be like looking in a mirror.

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