New Bass! Nash Jazz Bass (Pictures)

Mark Wilson

Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Endorsing Artist: Elixir® Strings
Here we go!

I'm the worst photographer in the world, just so you guys know.





i'm not being a troll :). i know nothing of nash basses except the fender connection, correct? thought maybe this was bought used and has had a neat history. unless it was bought new and was relic'd. either way i dig the instrument lots. the neck looks super fine. you thinnking of swapping the pickguard?
Worst photographer? I dunno. Looks like you shot what you were aiming at. ;)

And I agree with king biscuit: after seeing El Mon's LPB PJ5 with a tort guard, I think I might be fancying that combination a bit more.

Delish score, bro. '70s spacing? Like, a "late '60s" thing?
i'm not being a troll :). i know nothing of nash basses except the fender connection, correct? thought maybe this was bought used and has had a neat history. unless it was bought new and was relic'd. either way i dig the instrument lots. the neck looks super fine. you thinnking of swapping the pickguard?

Oh, okay! :) Just making sure. As a mod, i delete more posts on relic bashers than anything else.

But, anyway. The deal with Nash is he relics fender-esque parts. I dunno where he gets them.

This guy has NAILED the 60s jazz bass tone. I don't know how he does it. But this bass is a 9.999/10. Given the reverse tuners which I'm not used to yet..