I have a 4 string fender mim jazz bass that has great tone and has lasted me four about 4-5 years, but the bass is'nt really good for performing and i feel like it is not using my backline bass amp to its full potential. I play for my church, play jazz and r&b type music. I am now looking for a 5 string jazz bass with active pickups for under $1000. I have looked at new and used basses from companies like fender, lakland, peavey, mtd, tobias, spector, schecter, and etc. I found a used tobias for under $800 looks beautiful. I also found a used mtd kingston kx for under $900. Fender jazz basses have gone up in price so I dont know if i would get the value for the money. Laklands are always great. Could somebody give me some advice.