Phil Jones BG 120 or Hartke Kickback 12?

Hello Bassists...
I'm looking for someone who can help me.
I currently have a Hartke Kickback 12, but I'm looking for another lighter amp with the same power and good tone.
What do you think about Phil Jones BG 120?
I saw that the power is the same as the Hartke Kickback 12, 120 watts.
Thanks for de Answers
It’ll be much smaller but not able to match the overall volume, or the low end capabilities. I have the bg 120. It’s a great amp, but on it’s own can only do so much. With an extension cab like the Phil Jones C2 or C4, it opens up the capabilities for rehearsing with others or small gigs.
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It’ll be much smaller but not able to match the overall volume, or the low end capabilities. I have the bg 120. It’s a great amp, but on it’s own can only do so much. With an extension cab like the Phil Jones C2 or C4, it opens up the capabilities for rehearsing with others or small gigs.
Thank you for your help!

So I imagine I'm going to stay with my Hartke for a while yet.