Proper P+J positioning?

Out of the box my P pickup was set funny, set low on one side and high on the other, on both parts of it creating sort of an arching shape. I lowered them, and set them straight but now everywhere I look the P pick up even in official Fender pictures have that arching offset thing going on, does it hurt my sound to straighten them out, are they supposed to be like that? Also, how low can you position the J pickup without ruining it's volume/tone?
It is very common to set them like that, with a bit of an arch to them. It really depends on the p'up and how you play - - How does it sound the way you have it now? If you are happy, then you're good to go. If your middle strings seem to have less volume than your E and G strings, then put it back the way it was.

Same with the J p'up. When I had a P/J, I'd have the P pickup set kinda deep and the J nice and near the strings -- I wanted more signal from the J in my tone. Also, since the J is a bridge p'up, you can have it higher without worrying so much about it getting hit by the strings if you dig in or slap.

They are adjustable for a reason, so don't be afraid to fiddle with them... But remember that they are (more than likely) just wood screws into the body, so going back and forth with adjustments will eventually wear the holes out (been there, done that!)
I am truly torn about the P pick up, I straightened them out just for looks, but it was seriously driving me insane. I also lowered the J as far as the P was, even basically because I finger pick by the bridge a lot and I was constantly wacking the pick up and it was bugging me but now my P is definitely getting more volume than my J...

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