I've done a couple of searches and found lots of threads about ramps.
I've had one fitted to my 6 string for a while now, and I've found that it makes playing a lot more comfortable, and it definately improves the fluidity of my picking.
I've so far just used a thin bit of wood that I found in the garage, I coloured it black with a marker pen, it's the perfect width to stay wedged in between the pick-ups without falling out.
It doesn't really do my Sei bass justice though, so I've ordered a piece of maccasar ebony, a bargain at £6. It just needs cutting down to size, and sanding and polishing.
My question is, has anyone experimented and found the optimum height for a ramp, the current one sits lower than the pick-ups, the wood was that size to start with, would I gain more from making it the same thickness as the pick-ups. My thoughts are yes, but I was just wondering.
I've done a couple of searches and found lots of threads about ramps.
I've had one fitted to my 6 string for a while now, and I've found that it makes playing a lot more comfortable, and it definately improves the fluidity of my picking.
I've so far just used a thin bit of wood that I found in the garage, I coloured it black with a marker pen, it's the perfect width to stay wedged in between the pick-ups without falling out.
It doesn't really do my Sei bass justice though, so I've ordered a piece of maccasar ebony, a bargain at £6. It just needs cutting down to size, and sanding and polishing.
My question is, has anyone experimented and found the optimum height for a ramp, the current one sits lower than the pick-ups, the wood was that size to start with, would I gain more from making it the same thickness as the pick-ups. My thoughts are yes, but I was just wondering.