Spector TonePump 18v?

I just purchased a Spector TonePump and I'm wondering if it can handle 2 9v batteries. I know it is designed for a 9v but i'd also like to see if the sound will improve, maybe higher output. I'm also thinking about doing this myself so I'd like to know if this is an easy process to do. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
For the most part the voltage going into the pre amp is regulated so adding another battery will not give you a hotter signal. What it will give you is more headroom in your pre amp when you boost your signals. I do not believe that the sound will improve or be altered.
I emailed Jim Eppard @ Spector a year or so ago on another issue, but this was part of his reply:
I have no schematic for the Tone Pump, but I do know that there is a voltage doubling stage built into it so it actually runs as an 18V circuit.

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