Spot the Flaw in this Bass!

Wow. Out of 6 reply-ers 4 gave a correct answer. I am impressed. It took my 12-year-old guitar-player son about 3 seconds to notice it. And 2 of those seconds was spent not believing what he was actually seeing.

What I'm wondering is, is this guy a crook or really REALLY clueless and was himself scammed?
I was going to say ,left handed strings.
Edit to add: I would'nt be suprised if this bass is made in the same factory that makes the warlocks for BC Rich.

on the other side of the coin...I've got a bass that says "BC Rich" on the headstock, but is an obvious fake, since it is a P-bass copy with headstock the EXACT shape of a Silvertone :rolleyes:

it was never presented as a BC Rich in the auction, fact, the photoshop of the bass (that's right, they didn't use an actual photo) said "PEPSI" on the headstock...LOL

I only paid for $65 US for it, and it's actually not half bad...
I received a reply to my email to this seller and it goes as follows:

"No way. Thanks for the information. I bought this on ebay a while ago and it was listed as a BC Rich. I just never thought anymore about it. I certainly paid more than $100."

My "clueless" theory won out if he's telling the truth. I find it amazing that he bought this bass with a generic headstock with a different brand logo on it and "never thought anymore about it". He has relisted it with an accurate description and a more reality-based price.

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