
Hey Janek,

Was just watching one of your interviews (for TC electronic? not too sure) but you were talking about how now in the present you don't "work" much of technique but rather maintain it. Just got me wondering how you got to that level or control and mastery over the instrument. I feel i have had a very brief glimpse of the same feeling but then my ego got the better of me and it kind of went down hill from there. Worst part being i didn't know how i got there in the first place! Of course spending A LOT of time with the instrument is mandatory but just wondering what your objectives were in terms of practice during that period?

I started working on the instrument at a time in my life when I had time. I could practice for 12hrs a day and still maintain whatever else was going on around me too... I guess that's something afforded to people living at home with their parents. So intense amount of time with the instrument soaking up as much information as I could lay my hands on was the concept.

I look back on it now, and think about how it was all before the internet. You actually had to go out and see live music or buy records in the store and work on them at home, rather than dialing up some youtube video and being instantly connected with the rest of the world. I think the lack of mass communication gave the music a little more mystery and it certainly made me very hungry to find more information.

That is so true !!! Now I think people don't try by themselves, if they have a problem they seek out the info/advise... before you had to try if you wanted to get any resultes event if it takes longer at least you know why it didn't work and why something else work.

And vast majority of time, you couldn't see how the bass player played on the record so you had to figure it out or come up with a tone and way of playing that is your own.

As for the question, I think putting your hand on everything you can, have a teacher and don't try to copy the tone of the record, just play.