thanks talkbass.....

Oct 7, 2000
New York City
Endorsing artist: Musicman basses
i read a post about how much you practice yesterday and it's been eating at me since.

i'm off for the summer and i've been spending my days.... running, going to the gym, going to the beach, wasting time on the internet doing nothing productive, hanging with friends, going to parties, playing lots of gigs (hey, i just realized i'm having a pretty cool summer) - but damn, i'm lucky if i play my bass 15 minutes a day aside from the gigging!!!! it ain't always like this mind you.

today i'm starting to put in 4 hours a day! that's 16X as much as i'm presently practicing, i'm gonna rock ass next gig :D .
same here, seems like if i'm not on here or at the gym, the wife is home and i'm playing with my kids. i hardly get a chance to play...maybe next week...i'm building a stone wall in the back yard this week...sheesh...i need to practice :meh: or i'm gonna suck ass at my next gig :D

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