Vigier Owners...Chime In, Please!


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 21, 2002
Virginia Beach, VA
I may be snagging a Vigier Passion 5 but a little concerned about the "no truss rod" thing. FTR, this Passion 5 sports the 90/10 neck. Has anyone had any issues with this particular design (warping, excessive relief, etc.) or am I just being paranoid?


I have one of the earliest Arpeges (#25), but it is pre 90/10 neck and has an all graphite/composite neck. There's no truss rod though, and it has been totally stable. I bought this bass new in 1986 or 1987, and I've had zero issues with it.

The neck is very slim though, but the most comfortable I've ever played. I should add that my Vigier has never seen anything heavier than 0.40-100s, typically 0.35-0.95s. If you're planning to use heavy, high tension strings I'd send an email to Patrice Vigier if I were you, he's very responsive and helpful.

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