What's the Trace Elliot Sound?

Hey guys, I'm eyeing a "late 80's/early 90's" Trace 1524T 2x15 cab right now (4ohms). I hear so many people raving about Trace stuff on the forum but have never heard one myself and have never read a description of what their signature sound is like. Yes I've searched. Any other companies the trace sound is similar too? The sound I'm going for is modern but not what I'd call hi-fi. Lot's of punch, a fair amount lows, bump in the low-mids, little hi-mid scoop and nice highs. I slap alot. Thick and juicy with some zing to it. So that's the first question.

Here's my situation: I run a Eden wt550 and 410xlt right now. I like it alot and dig the tone but could use some more volume and low end. The 10's are great untill I push them hard and they loose some bottom, so I was thinking a nice used 15 would be nice. I like and would prefer an Eden 15 or another 410 w/ more lows and was also looking at SWR 15's too but I don't have much to spend and this Trace cab popped up at a nice price. So, do you think the Trace would pair up nicely with the Eden stuff, how are the lows, how are the speakers at high volumes? Basically, should I get it, or wait for an Eden 115xlt too show up or save for a 410xst?

Oh yeah, how much would one of these things weigh.
Tempting. Im going to let this one go though, I don't need to be buying any more gear at the moment. I'll save up and get something more appropriate I guess.

However, I'd still like to hear some answers to the original questions, so enlighten me please.
flea used to use trace elliot, or at least i saw him using one in an old video from the mother's milk days...

i think with 2 15 inchers you'll get a lot of low end, and might get good low mids. you'll probably have to boost treble

i dont even know if that post even made sense.
I own a TE 1524. I power it with either my RAH350SMX (350rms) or my QuatraValve (200 rms). Flat out awesome cab! :bassist: It is punchy as he!! but not quite as much as some 10's but extremely punchy for 15's. It doesn't have the stereotypical muddiness you hear people say when describing 15's. It is very articulate. However, it is a heavy SOB at 103 lbs. Even with the weight I wouldn't gig with any other cab. Paired up with my 4052h Bright Box it is pure heaven to my ears. :cool:

BTW, that price is awesome. If I had the coin to spare I would buy it myself. Hmm, two 215's on stage...can you say power...and back surgery? :D

To the OP, the sound you described that you are looking for sounds like the Trace tone is right up your alley. I'm sure there are others that would work well also.
Ok, I'm interested again. How will the reliability, performance, and sturdyness of the cab be affected by its age? This thing could be almost 20 years old.. If anyone else has something to add to convince me to buy it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks

Edit: The one thing I don't like about it besides its age is the fact that it doesn't have a tweeter. With a 410 and a 215 I'd like 2 tweeters. How are the highs? Are the tight enough to sound good if I have to boost the highs a little?
blackbassist said:
flea used to use trace elliot, or at least i saw him using one in an old video from the mother's milk days...

i think with 2 15 inchers you'll get a lot of low end, and might get good low mids. you'll probably have to boost treble

i dont even know if that post even made sense.

Lol, you've obviously read/heard too many misconceptions on 2x15's :rolleyes: ;)
Is your 4x10 8 ohm or 4 ohm? You'd want to match it up with a cab of the same impedence to keep the levels the same.

I think you'd be really happy with a D-115XLT. Along with some Eden 10s it really fills out the bottom end and adds some "cushion" to the sound.

Trace stuff sounds great too, but I don't think I'd mix trace/eden without hearing it first.
Yeah my 410xlt is 4 ohms, and the 550 can go down to 2. Decisions, decisions. Each 15 will still be getting twice as much wattage as each 10, and they move more air, so I'm a little afraid that the 15's will overpower the 10's and maybe throw the balance off. Its also really big and pretty heavy. I like the idea that it's made to be a standalone, and not just a subwoofer. I figure it will have a better balance of frequencies and not just add tones of bass, which is not exactly what I'm going for here. I'm sure it will sound great and at the same time be so obnoxiously loud, and that would be fantastic. Plus who doesn't want a giant Trace cabinet? I'm still a little iffy given it's age though. I'm not even sure both cabinets would fit in my car..

Anyone else?