Which bands lets their bass player shine the most?

Originally posted by Gandolf Bassist
What are you talking about? Les ROX!

One: he was making a JOKE...
Two: It's "Rocks"! You've got time, you can spell the word out!

And to me? I'd say maybe...Mudvayne...they let their bassist shine in the sense that they don't hold him back in any way, he is a full 1/3 of the noise; more so at times, which makes him shine a lot more than most bassists out there.

(Didn't take any obvious Primus, RHCP kinda picks, because they are pretty obvious, like a gimme, so I figure go for someone else...)
yeah yeah! Bring it on! I'll beat you with my 4 string bass, your...doublneck...7 strings....will never..!...aw poop. I can't hold my ground against that! Shoo! Go away, both some guitarsts!

But wait! You hurt my feelings you...you...you DRUMMER!

Originally posted by john turner
many of the bands that "let" their bass players shine do so because the bass player is one of the main songwriters, if not the primary song writer.

i know that's the case in my band :D.

I think this whole question is very "patronising" and makes the assumption that all the members are somehow not equal partners in the band - this doesn't have to be the case you know!!! :rolleyes:
yeah, i think that's a bit of a misconception .. ever since i took over lead vocals in my band, i've been shining in the mix less ! :( i guess it's because playing the bass line and singing the melody is something of a strain on my concentration - i've gotta split my attentions, so i find i've been simplifying my bass lines (sometimes i even root-note .. shhhhhhh!!! :p) so i can (try to) sing in tune, know when to roar into the chorus, etc.

Godsmack? how does their bassist stand out??

i'd have to say maybe P.O.D. Traa is wicked !
No rock bands really let the bass "shine" the way the bass can shine in other styles of music.

Jazz is the obvious example, but I've played in many folk groups where I was given free license to play stuff that no rock band would let me get away with. I also have NEVER been asked to TURN UP except in folk groups.