for me:
recorded an album
recorded most of another album (finishing in the new year!)
started gigging with a great new band
made some excellent friends
Built some Pultec eq clones.
Played a lot of gigs.
Got a job, got laid off.
Recorded a record that will probably never be completed let alone released.
Made some new friends.
I stopped calling some of my friends. They are still friends but I felt like I was doing all the work.
Started a new cover band with great musicians. Four gigs so far (since April, not very frequent gigging...)
Got a new GF last new year's eve and a new ex in August.
Helped my brother with renovating his new house.
Became a guitar teacher and bought two new acoustic guitars.
Improved my guitar skills a bit.
Bought a Stingray copy.
Became a devoted flatwound user.
Recently impressed a nice girl (pro singer btw) with my singing skills. Got invited today to her new year's party that she will arrange if she gets better, she's been ill now since Christmas eve. Hope this New Year's Eve becomes as good as the last one.
Learned how to bake baguettes that people seem to like.
Etc etc etc... No really big achievements but anyway an OK year for me.