Official Fender Dimension Bass Thread

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by SIFJiggy, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. SIFJiggy


    Jan 22, 2011
    Full disclosure: I don't own one - yet.

    Creating this thread to centralize info on these cool new basses. Will give out numbers if that's what people want to do.

    Interesting thing about researching these basses. MP has a "gimicky-looking" triplebucker (even though everyone says they sounds really good). And it also has the easy-access truss rod wheel, while the MIM Dimension Deluxe does not. Interesting.

    The American Deluxe Dimension has a TON of features and tones available, I think all us TBers could really do a number on it.

  2. Jookbox

    Jookbox Registered Drummer

    Mar 16, 2006
  3. Doug Parent

    Doug Parent Supporting Member

    May 31, 2004
    San Diego, Ca.
    Dealer Nordstrand Pickups.
    I think it's a good offering by Fender. I tried the American HH V. My only beef is the bridge. It's a dead ringer for the old Bad Ass bridge and it offers NO TOP LOADING, you have to string through the hole in the back of the bridge.

    If you need to change strings quickly, this is a huge downside.
    I have been known to put a different set of strings back on a bass after having removed them. This is a major pain in the butt with this bridge.

    To some it may be minor but I regard it as very BAD design decision. I get that they decided against through body string option, but really? A Bad Ass bridge? Seriously?
  4. What makes this thread 'official'?
  5. SIFJiggy


    Jan 22, 2011

    Nothing - but it sounds good, right?
  6. jamminology101

    jamminology101 Guest

    Aug 22, 2012
    Indianapolis In
    Endorsing Artist: Glockenklang
    Ive got both the Am dl HH dimension and the modern player. The american bass is absolutely a great axe. The modern player sounds and feels good even tho it is a cheapie. The electronics are kinda weak and gypy in them but it has this real unique mid rangy low growl to it that sounds good and has a thin lacquered jazz type of neck that u r gonna either love or hate it...the mp sounds/feels good enough I am gonna upgrade the pots/electronics to be a real player. The american deluxe is kinda like a fender/musicman/g&l all rolled into one. Can't say enough about the instrument. ...really a breakthrough for fender who usually justs figures out how to spinoff of either their jazz or precision in a new package and call it "cutting edge".,
  7. mapleglo

    mapleglo Warp Engineer Gold Supporting Member

    Sep 7, 2013
    phoenix, az
    I very much like my Fender Modern Player CIC Dimension.


    The Triplebucker pickup offers a few nice tone options, and the neck suits me well.
  8. Precision101


    Sep 22, 2013
    I played one. Killer tone. Has a lot of controlled sound, but I love my precision:D
  9. fuzzychaos


    Mar 17, 2008
    Dayton, Ohio
    I played one of the American HH models and thought it was killer. Very useable tones and felt great. In a previous thread, a lot of peeps were comparing it to a Musicman, but they never actually played one. It does not sound like a MM, definitely it's own beast.