Found a cool old bassist, need some help?

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by GeneralElectric, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. Linden1

    Linden1 Guest

    Jul 14, 2009
    I still think you all got PUNK'D. Why wouldnt the dude just contact GE directly instead of turning it into a big sob story. that would have been more practical and efficient and believable..
  2. +1! subscribed.
  3. Can't we suspend our negativity and jadedness for just a little while? Things like this NEED to happen more, but because of beliefs like these, situations like these often get crushed before they ever materialize.

    I'm known as the ever-realist, but this just seems to have its ducks enough in a row to keep me hopeful.
  4. shane-0-matic


    Aug 13, 2009
    Dayton Ohio
  5. GregC

    GregC Questlove, Black Thought, Hamilton Gold Supporting Member

    Jan 19, 2007
    Believe it or not, there are people who aren't familiar with the private-messaging function on vbulletin.:rollno:
    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  6. AtomicPunk

    AtomicPunk Supporting Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Detroit Metro, MI USA
    Awesome thread. Just read it all the way thru and excited to hear the outcome.
  7. Kid-A


    Nov 26, 2009
    Indianapolis, IN
    What private messaging function!?:eyebrow:
    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  8. Low Tone

    Low Tone Guest

    Feb 7, 2004
    St. Joseph, MO
    This thread is full of win.

    (Except for all the skeptics that don't believe in holiday miracles.)
  9. Subculture13

    Subculture13 Jamming Econo

    Apr 9, 2003
    Toronto, Ont. Canada
    The skeptics that are still calling shenanigans despite Andre speaking with some here on the phone to verify his identity, coworkers of the OP backing Butch's existence, etc, etc.

    "I cry FOUL!! It's been 17 minutes since our last update."

    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  10. I'm dying to hear about Butch's reaction to all this!!
  11. Ziltoid

    Ziltoid I don't play bass

    Apr 10, 2009
    Same here :)
  12. Wow, such a tide of warm fuzzy feelings. It's great to hear B Porter is going to get a bass and I'm glad to know there is much support from TBers for such an endeavour.

    As far as the Porter reunification process -- Not to curdle anyone's milk, but ...

    Perhaps Butch doesn't want to be found!?!

    Side One of Coin:
    My mom was adopted and only after her adoptive mother passed away did she seek out her birthmother, who'd passed already as well. However, turns out my mom, who was raised as an only child, has a younger brother and an older sister. In a nutshell: My mom was looking for answers, her brother was looking for family and the older sister, who knows? None of them are close. Family is more than DNA.

    Side Two of Coin
    My wife found out her uncle in another country is actually her older brother. My wife and her two younger siblings made great efforts to contact the eldest brother. It has taken years and two deaths in the family to bring the eldest brother back into the fold and for him to realise the sincerity of his younger siblings and recognise their love for him. I, too, get along with her brother (all her siblings in fact), despite a language barrier and we're looking forward to visiting him again soon.

    GE, the bass thing's way cool; And I hope Butch feels the same way as his brother Andre.

    Diggin' the bass line in "Dyin' To Be Dancin'"
    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  13. I can be as cynical as they come and I know it's hard to believe that people actually do random acts of kindness in todays world but it does happen. Haven't you ever bought someone a meal because they were hungry or homeless or comforted a complete stranger in distress? The universe has an amazing power to bring people together. It happens time and time again. I heard a similar story in a 12 Step meeting recently. An older member got up to share. He told a story of how around Christmas some years ago he came across a young woman addict ODing in an alley he got her to a hospital and they were able to save her life. He never found out her name or who she was. A year later he was working as Santa at a local department store and a young tattooed and pierced woman came up and sat on his knee and he asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said she had everything she was a year clean and sober and that she was just grateful for the stranger that saved her life. He pulled down his beard and revealed himself as the man who found her a year earlier needless to say they both just burst into tears of joy. Absolutely true story. So hears hoping that GE's random act of kindness leads to two long lost brothers reuniting. Can't wait for the update.
    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  14. FunkyMan


    Nov 27, 2007
    Amazing story! but heeey has been so long since the latest GE news. Why you have not reported? you don't understand that we are anxious?:hyper::hyper: you've spoken or seen Butch?:D
  15. Bassist Jay

    Bassist Jay

    Dec 28, 2009
    Sterling, CO.
    Endorsed by K.B. Guitars, Nordstrand Audio Pickups, Von York Strings and Gallien-Krueger Amps.
    Not sure how I missed this post but you all can include me in as well for helping with any bass stuff or money for either bass stuff or a reunion.
  16. pacojas

    pacojas "FYYA BUN"

    Oct 11, 2009
    "Perhaps Butch doesn't want to be found!?!"

    i was in on the conversation with Andre this morning and he had the same fear. not because of some past dilema, but only because he fears Butch may be embarassed by his current situation. they were separated after the classic divorced parents splitting up the kids and one moving to another state. they were together for eight years prior.
    i've been following this story from the start but didn't get involved until i told my neighbor and he called Andre, wanting to both verify and assist a local.
    Andre promised to call us as soon as he can confirm that his search is over. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
    (i also PM'd G.E. to let him know that i'm near Andre)
    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  17. UncleFluffy


    Mar 8, 2009
    Head Tinkerer, The Flufflab
    Not sure if there's anything more needs contributing other than "good luck" but add me to the list of available helping hands anyway.
  18. what a rad post, did anyone end up setting up a paypal account? If so I will throw in a few bucks! I bet if we kept this is in the talkbass family we could find a killer bass for cheap in our own forums. Keep me posted!:bassist:
  19. GeneralElectric


    Dec 26, 2007
    NY, NY
    Hey guys, I just went onto TB again to get Andre's number, as I'm calling him now.

    Sorry for the wait guys, unlike most, I work 7 days a week and I don't always get to use a computer while cooking in a kitchen.

    I left work to go to a wake, and I got a text from my boss saying that Art was at the restaurant. I got down here and gave him his bass and told him everything, and he was blown away and looked like he was going to cry. I told him that I was going to wait until everything came in before I gave it to him but it was mitigating circumstances and he was truely touched. I told him it got weirder and I told him about the donations and about his brother, and he was simply flabbergasted. Art just left here, to go home so he can get on for a catering gig. He's coming back Friday with his bass to come jam here, so I'll get someone to take some pictures then, as I don't own a camera.
    Miles_ONeal likes this.
  20. ExaltBass

    ExaltBass XBass Cables Gold Supporting Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    Twin Cities, MN
    Just got better! Thanks GE!