Ampeg PF 500 + PF 210HE + Bass VT = the little rig that COULD

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by jason the fox, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    The past few years I've become somewhat of an Ampeg nut. My first "good" amp was a BA-115 (version 1.0) about 15 years ago. But lately, it's been getting out of hand.

    Anywho, I recently ordered myself a PF 210HE and PF 500HE. Based 100% on research, 99% of it from here on talkbass. Didn't even see one in person, let along play one. It was delivered last week (the amp arrived the day after the cabinet... ). Pleasantly surprised - not that I necessarily expected less, but it's a solid piece of equipment - both of them. I'm terrified I'm going to tear a chunk out of the diamond tolex during load-ins, but that's my only worry. The latches are much more solid than I even expected. Haven't decided if I'm gonna do the proper 'flip top' thing, but if I do - I'm pretty confident in the lid and latches.

    I played with it a bit over the past few days but finally got a chance to play it at rehearsal today. It sounded more blurry than I expected - I found the lows to be quite blurry; but I think that's because I'd been trying to compare it to a SVT 810E or 410HE. And the highs weren't feeling as crisp (I also had the horn turned off - just not a fan of them). But it only took a few minutes to get set the EQ to wear it fit perfect in the mix (3 piece rock band - classic/top 40 covers). I found a pretty broad sweet spot and it fell right into my happy place. And paired with the Tech 21 Bass VT DI - man, oh man, what a perfect combo.

    This might be a stretch, but I feel like this amp and cab comes the closest to copping an SVT than any other SS amp I've tried. Or hybrid. Doesn't have the pure presence, obviously, and of course it's it doesn't quite nail the tone to a T - but it comes close enough that for the money I don't know if there's a better choice out there (if you're an SVT fan). I'm seriously impressed with how convincingly it hops into tube territory. Now, I know you might say it's the VT doing all magic - but I also played without it and was equally impressed. I feel like the compression knob has a lot to do with it; as it works beautifully with the gain control when you start to really drive it. I've read that a lot of people haven't been impressed with the volume/power of this amp and cab (or with PF 115E) but I can't figure out why. You have to have realistic expectations but you also can't be afraid to do some knob twistin'. We were pretty loud tonight and I never felt buried or overwhelmed. Never broke a sweat and felt like I could have gone plenty louder if needed. Although I'm already thinking about grabbing another PF cab - probably a 115HE for the variation, and because from almost everything I've read of the two, the 210 and 115 compliment each other well in this case.

    I know there are tons of Ampeg PF-xxx threads on here, but I just felt the need to voice how pleased I am with my new little rig. Won't get to gig it until Feb 14, but I have a feeling it's going to be seeing a lot of stage time. My biggest gigs (not including the occasional outdoor Summer gig) are in medium to large sized clubs (PA support 99% of the time) and I think this amp is going to be great.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
    JimmyM, bftbassman and High Camp like this.
  2. High Camp

    High Camp

    Oct 3, 2013
    Great buy! For my PF-cabs, I bought some Ampeg covers, which are very rugged.
    The Tolex looks beautiful, but is fairly easily scratched.
  3. Try your PF through an 810e sometime. IMHO the Portaflex line is second only to the all tube amps in Ampeg's product line. They sound better than the 3, 4, and 7 Pro to me.
  4. bftbassman


    Aug 23, 2014
    Ephrata PA
    i have pf500 and 115 cab, you are so right, once you learn the 'sweet" spot, this is a very good rig. Clear,loud and man does it ever record well, best sound i ever had in a mix. Distincive Ampeg growl. I think if more time was spent understanding the Ampeg EQ, we would see better reviews. I always wonder if more time playing with what amp ya got versus constantly seeking what? someone else's tone !! just play and enjoy !!
  5. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    Definitely will try that. I don't tend lug by 810e out for rehearsals or most gigs I play, but I'll most likely be booked for one or two outdoor gigs this summer and the chances are it'll be coming with me for those.

    You think they sound better than the 3, 4, and 7 Pros? Cool. I've got an SVT 3 Pro and think it's great but based on limited experience so far, I prefer the PF 500.
    Most folks seem to feel that the 7 Pro is a meatier sounding amp, and more tube-like - then again, it has a tube in it. I've never played through one, and Long and McQuade up here hasn't stocked any new Ampeg gear in years (the odd used piece comes in, that's about it) so I likely won't get a chance to A/B them anytime soon.
  6. I find that once you get the gain and compressor set correctly, and get your eq dial in where you like it, that the PF line sits right in the best part of the "ampeg tone".
  7. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    Agreed! EQ is a huge part of it. Gotta understand what you're doing and what you could be missing out on. I've been playing bass for quite a while but it's only been the past few years that I've seriously taken a look at what I've been doing, EQ-wise. Was going into it blindly for a while but once you understand that that different amps react differently, you can really do a lot for your tone (and volume vs perceived volume).
  8. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    The compressor is so useful in this amp. It really brings out the best in it. And I was surprised at how well I could make it sound like it was on the verge of overdriving and breaking up. One of the most responsive gain controls I've used. What I was really impressed with was how once I found that tone, I still had lots of room to boost and cut and fiddle with settings, while retaining that sound. It really does the trick.
  9. I like to have the gain and compressor set high enough so that they are lighting up almost all the time, more so on the compressor than the gain, but it still came on on hard hits. Really thickens up the tone.
    RWRhodes likes this.
  10. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    I prefer not to go by the numbers, but I had the compressor set mostly around 9:00. Fairly low I guess, but I'll experiment more for sure. My gain was up around 1 - 2:00 for the most part. The peak light wasn't on steady, but it was definitely on at least as much as it was off. Such a meaty sound. I first dialled it in similar to how I set my 3 Pro, basically to compare. I find the PF feels more gutsy and responded more positively to my tweaking.
  11. I usually set the compressor to noon, then I would bring up the gain until the light was flashing. Worked really well with my Stingray.
    RWRhodes likes this.
  12. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    Noon? Hrmm I really didn't engage mine past a 1/4 or so. I found it to be really effective, even in that small dose. I'm looking forward to playing with it a bit more.
    I assume with the compression turned up that high, you must really pin the gain control?
  13. It flickers on and off a fair bit. Really depends on your input signal.
  14. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    True enough. None of my basses are scorching hot. And none are active. I play mainly precisions, occasionally a gibson thunderbird. Occasional a gibson SG (reissue, whatever...) modded with an original late 60s mudbucker - which is ridiculously hot. I could see that one driving it pretty hard.

    I like the light. I dig the flicker. Hell, it could stay on steadily for all I care, as long as I don't hurt anything.
  15. Spin Doctor

    Spin Doctor In Memoriam

    Nov 14, 2008
    Southern Maryland, USA
    What is this Ampeg EQ of which you speak??? I've had a PF 210 He for years that I hate because it sound's so murky. I tried using it on a couple of gigs, but just shelved it, which is a shame because it's a pretty cab. My Epiphani just works and sounds good all the time. I would actually like to use the Ampeg at some point though...
  16. marko138


    May 24, 2013
    Perry County PA
    I LOVE my PF-500. I'm running it through a sealed GK 410. I think it sounds awesome.

  17. jason the fox

    jason the fox Often rocks and rarely rolls.

    Jul 2, 2013
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Nice! Might be one of the best bang-for-the-buck amps out there, plus it's just good - period. I've got more expensive amps but I think this one is going to see the most action for a while.
  18. marko138


    May 24, 2013
    Perry County PA
    I sold my Hartke HA3500 to buy this Ampeg. So glad I did. The HA was a trusty steed for a lot of years but the Ampeg sound is what I wanted.
    bftbassman likes this.
  19. bftbassman


    Aug 23, 2014
    Ephrata PA
    Me too, i finally learned to dial in a great bass tone not just the loudest thing on stage
  20. SickAura

    SickAura Let There Be Rock

    Dec 8, 2013
    I agree - except over the last year or so I've been using the PF800 with 1 or 2 PF115HE's and the VTBass. I have really liked this combo. Definitely get the second cab - its 110% better than one cab. For what its worth - here are my settings:

    P-Bass with Flats

    Compressor: 9 o'clock
    Gain: 1:30
    Bass: 1:00
    Mid: 1:00
    Mid Freq: 2
    Treble: 11:00
    Master: Generally around Noon

    VTBass: Set flat with Character and Gain at 11:00 (pretty much the Fliptop settings in the manual)

    Love that tone together.

    Don't quite agree with this though. I put the PF800 up against the 7 Pro last weekend for a 2 hour practice session then a 3 hour loud jam (hard rock band) and while the PF800 had a 1 year head start with me dialing in my settings - the 7 Pro just sounded better to me in every situation YMMV of course.