Canadian Companies that make Basses...

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by Hevy T, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. musicmaan


    May 24, 2013
    I came across a beautiful bass for sale on Vancouver Craigslist last year, made by a luthier in the lower mainland area. I even went to his website.... and for the life of me, I can't remember what his site was or the name of his company. Anyways, if any one knows who's making basses in the Vancouver area, post them up.

  2. DiabolusInMusic

    DiabolusInMusic Functionless Art is Merely Tolerated Vandalism

    They are definitely still open, Fury and Dingwall are both in my city and do work together on stuff like pickups. Mr.Fury mentored Mr.Dingwall. Here is the Fury contact # if you want give them a call, (306) 244-4063. I see Fury pretty regularly on my local Kijiji but have not seen a Tornado, mostly their more metal offerings.
  3. kbuschmann

    kbuschmann Supporting Member

    Might be Mike Kinal. He makes some lovely stuff.
  4. DanGouge


    May 25, 2000
    In the Toronto area there was a guy by the name of Vadim, don't know if he's still around. Les Godfrey was another Toronto guy whose current status is unknown to me. I found out about another luthier on Vancouver Island last time I was out there. I can't recall the name but he's based in East Sooke about 40 minutes outside of Victoria.


    Though I find the name of the bass quite odd, "Arco". Yeah, I play bass arco, but it doesn't sound or look like that! :laugh:


    Anybody got a pic of a Sparrow Bass? Sparrow is now defunct and I can't remember the model name/# of bass they had though I've seen a few posted on TB... looks kind of like Prince's "Cloud" bass and they came in both 4 and 5 courses.