i wanna upgrade my yamaha rbx170 bass

Discussion in 'Hardware, Setup & Repair [BG]' started by pariskrit pant, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. pariskrit pant

    pariskrit pant Guest

    Sep 15, 2014
    hey i want to upgrade my bass yamaha rbx170 please help me
  2. JLS


    Sep 12, 2008
    Albuquerque, NM
    I setup & repair guitars & basses
    Just go buy stuff: pickups, bridge, tuners, whatever whizbang trips your trigger.
  3. DiabolusInMusic

    DiabolusInMusic Functionless Art is Merely Tolerated Vandalism

    You want to upgrade to a new bass or upgrade the parts on your existing bass?

    If you were my student I would suggest a new bass before modding. The RBX are already fairly solid for their price point. You will end up putting $250 in parts and pieces to still have a $100 guitar. Not a good investment in my books.
    JLS and Treadstone71 like this.
  4. My first bass was an RBX170. As Diabolous mentioned, they're already pretty solid. What don't you like about it?
  5. JLS


    Sep 12, 2008
    Albuquerque, NM
    I setup & repair guitars & basses
    ^^^ What he said. I posted pre-coffee, sorry.
  6. JustForSport

    JustForSport Guest

    Nov 17, 2011
    'Upgrading' w/o a specific purpose may not really be upgrading.
    As mentioned prev'ly twice- "they're already pretty solid. What don't you like about it?"?