Is this a real EBMM Bongo?

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by jamestown94west, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. :confused:

    Yup, this isn't anyone intending to rip someone off, this is a custom instrument that was intensely inspired by a Bongo.

    I say if you like the Bongo's looks, give it a play and see what you think - you could end up with a instrument that looks very similar for a fraction of the price. I doubt it sounds anything like a Bongo though, as someone else pointed out it (appears?) to be wired up passively.

    In the end, no one in an audience would ever know if it was or wasn't a Bongo (if that mattered to you). It may be a very nice bass for the money.

    But, yeah, the seller doesn't appear to be trying to scam or mislead at all. The information is clearly there in the thread.
  2. jamestown94west

    jamestown94west Guest

    Jul 16, 2011
    the ozarks
    Nope. Just making sure that it is what it is.
  3. DiabolusInMusic

    DiabolusInMusic Functionless Art is Merely Tolerated Vandalism

    This builder is not ripping anybody off any more than Alleva Coppola, Sadowsky, Lull or Lakland are, well the middle two not as much but the bookends copped the Fender headstock too.

    OP, go check it out and give us a review. I have never touched a Bongo but it took me less than 10 seconds to confirm it was not a real EBMM, most of it was explained in the ad.

    EBMM are also extremely active in protecting their interests, all it will take is for one whiff of this to get back to EBMM and this guy is facing a huge lawsuit, so this thing might be rare pretty quickly.